
Alfaiataria is a space for research and interdisciplinary art practices. Here there are activities of training, theater, dance, video performances, music, soiree, exhibitions and conversations. In addition to the program designed and organized by the artists Janaina Matter, Luana Navarro and Guilherme Jaccon, Alfaiataria also welcomes projects and actions proposed by artists from other contexts.
With more than 80 years the building that houses Alfaiataria is located in Rua Riachuelo, 274, the official first street in Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil. Founded in 1932 by Guilherme Matter, tailor and painter, Alfaiataria was focused on making military uniforms, having been the only specialized in this type of clothing for decades.
In the 1990s the store became well-known in the circuit of theater artists, punk bands and the LGBT community who sought out the store to buy coats and vintage accessories. At the beginning of 2017, after 85 years of operation the store ended its activities.
Since then, the space has undergone a process of demilitarization and has been transformed into an art/ cultural space, which has meant for us a place of resistance to strengthen the ways of living and thinking the world, in the urgency of diversity, of sensitivity, affection, dialogue and artistic and political responsibility as a constant practice that takes place in and for the city.
Neide Ribas Matter, nora de Guilherme Matter e viúva de Oswaldo Matter conta como era o espaço, onde viveu nos anos 50.
Desde então, a antiga Alfaiataria passou por um processo de desmilitarização e foi transformada em um espaço cultural idealizado pelas artistas Janaina Matter (atriz) e Luana Navarro (artista visual) e inaugurado em 2019.
Nossa proposta
Somos um lugar de criação e fortalecimento dos modos de viver e pensar o mundo, na urgência da diversidade, da sensibilidade, do afeto, do diálogo e da responsabilidade artística e social. Somos uma prática constante que acontece na e para a cidade.
Além de uma programação própria, a Alfaiataria também acolhe projetos e ações propostas por artistas de outras linguagens e parceiros que ocupam o espaço por meio de locações. A curadoria das atividades é feita pela idealizadora e diretora artística Janaina Matter, e pelo produtor Guilherme Jaccon, contamos também com as técnicas em iluminação Lucri Reggiani e Taynara Siqueira, além de outros artistas e técnicos envolvidos em projetos e eventos continuados ou pontuais.

Haraton Maravalhas, 1979.
actress and artistic director
Idealizer and Artistic Director of Alfaiataria, opened in 2019. Actress and artistic director of Súbita Theater Company since 2007, in Curitiba, PR. Dedicates to theater and cinema, specially the study of physicality on stage, having the Suzuki Method for Actors as background and technique. Is part of The Magdalena Project - International network of women in theater, being official translator Portuguese/English/Spanish translator of the website. In 2019