
Estopim emerges from the desire to share books and publications in a common space creating an affective and at the same time explosive context.
Because we believe that a library is not a space where we just store and catalog books, but it is a space where a revolutionary and emancipatory power is always active, books do things with us and we do things with the books outside the spaces in which we relate to them. So Estopim is a library, a collection, an ammunition to be here now, to be together talking, reading silently, loudly, individually, collectively.
Dedicated to books about art, art books, artist publications, prints as zines, posters, artist research, postcards and other books that do not find specific categorization and focus on visual arts, theater, feminisms, LGBT and contemporary cultures.
Estopim is formed from several donations and is organized as:
Anti-Newspapers / Architecture & Town Planning
/ Art Education / Sound Art /
Visual Arts Catalogs / Posters / Cinema / Body / Curatorship /
Dance / Playwrights-Dramaturgy / Feminisms / Philosophy / Photobooks /
Art Stories / Newspapers / Literature / Work Books / Book Books /
Rare Books / LGBTI Narratives / Artist Researches / Performance / Postcards/
Artist Publications / Photography Theory / Poetry / Art Theory / Theater / Magazines / Zines
You can make a donation directly at Alfaiataria with a prior appointment or by mailing.
All material is available for local consultation.
We thank tenderly the following people and institutions who have donated to the collection.
Ana Gonzalez / Bia Lemos / Elenize Dezgeniski / Feira da Baronesa / Fernando Ribeiro / Gabi Bresola / Guilherme Jaccon / Hugo Mendes / Janaina Matter / Joseane Prezzoto / Luiz Rodolfo Annes / Luana Navarro / Marcel Zsymanski / Mariana Freitas / Mel Gibs / Miríade / Paulo Reis / Plataforma Parêntesis / Raquel Stolf / Regina Melim / Ronie Rodrigues /

Coordenação de projeto: Alfaiataria Espaço de Artes
Curadoria/Coordenação de programação: Luana Navarro / Plataforma Estopim
Facilitadoras da residência: Daniele Rosa e Emanuela Siqueira
Facilitadora da oficina de contrapartida social Facilitação de projetos criativos: Priscila de Morais/ Diversa Produções
Identidade visual e colagista: Tayná Miessa
Assessoria de comunicação: Bruna Alcantara / BA Comunica
Redes sociais: Talita Braga/ Arte Logo Ali
Registro fotográfico: Lidia Ueta
Produção executiva: Alice Cieslinski
Assistente de produção: Mainu
Prestação de contas: Guilherme Jaccon